, Holistic Wellness Expert

Today, in this super-connected world, a website is typically the first place potential clients and customers look to access information about your business. As a small business owner, this means your online presence needs to be organized, appealing, and work effective.
Linda Heredia is a small business owner and she is a holistic wellness expert, tv personality, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Coach Practitioner, master manifestor, abundance creator, and lover of food, travel, and culture, among other things.
Linda came to me with a problem a lot of small businesses face, Linda’s brand had simply outgrown the infrastructure of her current website template. Linda wanted to expand her reach and passive income by adding a shop page and this was simply not possible on her existing rigid template.
My immediate advice was to switch over and use a tool that is not only super easy to use but will also grow with her brand. So we completely overhauled Bombinate built the website for Linda and freshened up the copy to really capture the beautiful essence that is Linda!
We have some more customization to do on this website, so stay tuned! Also, you should follow Linda’s blog for amazing recipes and tips on living the life you desire the most.
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